Here are a few talks that I gave recently. I’ll try to upload a few more in the future, if I manage to collect the pieces.
A talk given at the HEP/Astro Results Forum on the recent work on axion magnetic resonance 2308.10925. The talk also contains a short review on the global search effort for axions.
Seminar talk given at University of Maryland on probing ultralight dark matter with galaxy kinematics from SPARC dataset 2111.03070:
Short talk given at the Axion Virtual Institute on the probing axion dark matter with echos from ancient supernova 2110.13916:
There’s also a longer version given at Fermilab Theory Seminar: I will probably write up something for the background of the work, after this hectic application season.

A remote talk given at DPF2021 on constraining axion-photon coupling with cosmic distance measurement 2011.05993:

A quick go-over on the challenges of axion explanation of recent muon g-2 result 2104.03267, presented at Phenomenology Symposium 2021: